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Limelight Band - Dallas Ft. Worth Wedding, Corporate Event, and ...
Hey Limelight Fans! We have three public events to start off the month of April! Join us Wednesday night at The Glass Cactus for Ladies Night, Thursday in Las .

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lime light band dallas 38.183164 -84.556359 14 http://local.yahoo.com/info-36284940-providence-christian-academy-georgetown 6 3.666666 http://maps.yahoo.com/ http://maps.yahoo.com/broadband/ http://login.yahoo.com/config/login?.done=http%3A%2F%2Flocal.yahoo.com%2Finfo-36284940-providence-christian-academy-georgetown {"metadata":{"statusCode":200,"statusMessage":"OK"},"results":{"status":"ok","result":[],"params":{"eid":"36284940","offset":"0","limit":"12","appid":"ylocal"},"total":1}} yl-none
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