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How many quarts of peas makes a bushel
37.27 quarts. Given that 37.27 quarts does indeed make a bushel of peas, there is another point of view that needs to be considered. If you are purchasing peas .

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how many quarts in a bushell 38.183164 -84.556359 14 http://local.yahoo.com/info-36284940-providence-christian-academy-georgetown 6 3.666666 http://maps.yahoo.com/ http://maps.yahoo.com/broadband/ http://login.yahoo.com/config/login?.done=http%3A%2F%2Flocal.yahoo.com%2Finfo-36284940-providence-christian-academy-georgetown {"metadata":{"statusCode":200,"statusMessage":"OK"},"results":{"status":"ok","result":[],"params":{"eid":"36284940","offset":"0","limit":"12","appid":"ylocal"},"total":1}} yl-none
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